What is the best kind of test to take before visiting high-risk family/friends?

Some people, including the elderly, immunocompromised, or those with another condition, are at a higher risk of being hospitalized or experiencing severe illness if they get COVID-19. Therefore, it is best to take extra precautions when planning to visit. Ideally, everyone who is planning to visit high-risk family/friends should take a test 24 hours before visiting and limit any more possible exposures after the test is taken. If you test negative one day but then get exposed to COVID-19 in the following days before your visit, you will need to be retested. In between your negative test result and your visit, be sure to practice other precautions such as wearing a mask and physical distancing. PCR, or molecular, tests generally provide more accurate results than rapid antigen tests, or at-home tests, but because PCR tests are usually processed in a laboratory, you will need to account for longer times to process your results.

Last edited on: April 13, 2022